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Re: Info on Harrisburg, PA area please

Subject: Re: Info on Harrisburg, PA area please
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 22:30:27 EDT
Harrisburg is near Hershey the host location of the largest autojumbles in 
the US as well as the home of the Hershey Bar !  The mighty Susquehanna River 
runs right through H'burg.  Major trade route for the Iroquois Nation pre 
revolutionary war.  Close to Philadelphia and Baltimore.  Airport is ok, I 
still fly in there on occasion to visit my aging father.

I was brought up about 60 miles North.  The roads are superb for touring in a 
TR.  Lots of narrow side roads or farm roads.  Lots of twisty little roads,  
Humid though and lots of salt on the roads in the winter.  It's near the 
center of the TR universe activity for the early cars.  The Triumph Register 
of American's home turf is Ohio.  I attended a TRA National meet in Hershey a 
few years back.  Lots of TR owners around.  There's a good mechanic and TR3 
race driver living and working about 60 Miles North of Harrisburg.

Having said all that I would never leave the sunny dry Southwest for 

Bob Paul
Corrales NM

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