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Re: Adjustable Koni's on TR6

To: "cameron greig" <>
Subject: Re: Adjustable Koni's on TR6
From: "Martin Gonzales" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 12:43:49 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "triumphs" <>
>Anyone out there with Koni Adjustables on a TR6.The previous owner
>fitted these to the car,I realise they have to be removed for adjusting
>but thats all I know.

The Koni shocks must be removed from the car.  The top will spin freely.
Stand shock upright on something soft (like your lawn), and push the top all
the way down.  Keep it pushed dwon, and turn until it engages with the
adjuster --- then it will resist turning a little.  Keep pushing, and turn
the top -- I think it's clockwise to increase stiffness and
counter-clockwise ti decrease.

I believe the total turning distance is about 2 to 2.5 complete rotations.

I dont remember how many rotations I have my Konis adjusted on my TR6.

Good Luck!
Martin Gonzales
73 TR6
San Jose, CA

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