Spent many a boozy night waiting at the Hanger Lane tube station, back in
the sixties...
Your reference to the North Circular Road reminded me of my favorite line
from "Beyond our Ken", a radio show on the Beeb in the fifties, for those of
you that don't have any grey hair, or are not from the "blessed plot." They
were doing a sketch about King Arthur, who at one point sent his knights to
look for the Holy Grail etc. Anyway, the line was:
"To the south, Sir Lancelot rode... To the north, Sir Cular rode..."
Well, it seemed funny to a 10 year old (me!) at the time...
-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian_King@ipc.co.uk <Sebastian_King@ipc.co.uk>
To: triumphs@autox.team.net <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 7:06 AM
Subject: Water Pump failure
>Driving along on Saturday when there was a nasty clanking noise - Water
>pulley sheared!! - On hanger lane for those of you familiar eith the NCR in
>Now for the best bit - managed to get to Finchley where my parents live,
>the car and go to th TR shop in Chiswick, 58 UKP later, a new pump!! - Now
>anly everything was that easy!