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Re: TR-6 Aluminum Valve Cover

Subject: Re: TR-6 Aluminum Valve Cover
From: Egil Kvaleberg <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 02:45:02 GMT
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <>
On 1 Jun 1999, Paige, Dean wrote:

> So  guess that now is as good a time as any to buy a new aluminum
> valve cover. I seem to recall discussions on which were the best a while
> back and thought I'd ask those who have made the switch which supplier TRF,
> VB or Moss has the best.

My experience is with two Al covers, Triumphtune and Racetorations.

If sealing is a priority, the Triumphtune one does not have any form of
groove or recess to retain the gasket. This means you have to glue the
gasket to the cover, and hope and pray that it will keep in place. Mine
didn't, and completely opened up along one side. Luckily, I felt the smell
of burning oil, and could stop the engine before all oil disappeared. It
was quite a mess, though. To add to the insult, they had fitted a cap
with a ventilation hole (!!), whose only purpose in life can be to leak

The Racetorations cover has a groove for retaining the gasket, and causes
no trouble. Yes, they also have the proper cap.

If looks is a priority, the Triumphtune casting is simply far too large,
and looks like it does not fit the engine at all. Additionally, the
surfaces are far from straight, which I assume was particularly evident on
my polished cover. All in all, it looks like it doesn't belong there.
Home made and amateurish, in the negative sense. 

The Racetorations casting looks (and is) much more slender, and the finish
is also far better. The slenderness of the design meant I got
interference with two rockers, but that was easily remedied by use of the

My conclusion: If you want something that is at least as good in terms of
sealing and looks as the original steel cover, then definitely avoid the
Triumphtune cover. 


Email:  Voice: +47 22523641, 92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
Mail:  Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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