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Re: OD Lubricant Survey

To: "Joe Curry" <>, <>, "Spitfire List" <>
Subject: Re: OD Lubricant Survey
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:24:07 -0000
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Curry <>
To: <>; Spitfire List
Date: 16 February 1999 05:13
Subject: OD Lubricant Survey

My '72 2.5 PI's o/d (Type J) is full of 20/50 multigrade.
I started using this becuase 2nd. gear was very baulky when cold-it's a lot
easier now.
The oil has been in about a year now and there have been no problems.
I used this oil because it was successful in my MGB GT (same o/d) and in
both my manual Scimitars.

Dave Hill

>Ok Gang, It has been bouncing around for quite a while with various
>"answers" to the magic question, "What oil do I use in my OD tranny?"  I
>have read as much as I can find on the subject.
>WHat I have found is confusing at best.  Some of the Service bulletins
>say use 30 wt oil. Some say use 90 wt gear oil.
>So, I want to take a poll of those who have overdrives.  Here are the
>1.  Type Vehicle
>2.  Year
>3.  Type Overdrive
>4.  Type lubricant used
>5.  How long?
>6.  How did it perform?
>7.  What Source did you use for this oil choice?
>(Repeat for as many cars as you have had)
>Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>>      Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 23:41:00 -0000
>>      From: "Phil Johnson" <>
>>      Subject: Re: SPIT OD
>> The spitfire does have common oil for the gearbox and o/d, and therefore
>> not use engine oil, as it does not have the correct properties for use in
>> gearbox. also, do not use GL5 spec gear oil as it will dissolve the
>> thrust washers and bearings in the gearbox, o/d, and the diff.
>> Phil Johnson
>> 66 Spifire Mk2
>> 68 GT6 Mk1
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Erik Bjorkner <>
>> To: '' <>
>> Date: 11 February 1999 16:55
>> Subject: SPIT OD
>> >
>> >Hello,
>> >
>> >I am working on a friends SPIT with OD.  The owner wants to find out why
>> is nonfunctional...  Once I get all the wiring straightened out I was
>> planning on installing new OD filter and change the fluid.  My question
>> in the TRIUMPH 1500 book.. it states the OD uses the same 80-90 gear oil
>> the gearbox .. I know from past experiences with Volvos and a Corvette
>> that the OD uses automatic trans fluid... what gives with this book info?
>> Does the SPIT have lub communication between the OD and the gearbox?
>> >
>> >Thanks for your help.
>> >
>> >Erik
>"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
> -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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