Does anyone have the correct phone number for Parrish Classic car insurance?
By the way, as a follow up to my earlier note about my Sports 6 Speedo drive
gear coming off the main shaft, The entire replacement can be done with
trans in car. I removed the trans tunnel then unhooked the exhaust, drive
shaft, and trans mounts. Then jacked up the transmission enough to allow the
tail housing to be removed. I found that the speedo drive gear was off of
it's raised shoulder on the main shaft and did not have a really tight fit
on that shoulder when started to place. I took a replacement gear from an
old Herald gearbox (same part #). It was a tight fit on the shoulder. I
placed an appropriate length of iron pipe over the mainshaft such that on
end would drive the gear to place and the other end could be driven by the
mainshaft rear nut and flanged/splined coupling. By turning the nut and not
allowing the coupling to turn I was able to "press" the gear firmly on the
raised shoulder on the shaft. I then removed the nut and coupling and
reassembled the tail housing with a new gasket and oil seal. After putting
the rest of the stuff back together the speedo again works. Now, as long as
the gear stays put I'm OK.