Neil Sampson 01276 693030 wrote:
> Hi there,
> just a quick question, as i was cruising back home from a splendid
> weekend at the coast in my GT6, the fanbelt broke. Due to the storage
> space in my car i didn't have a spare (along with all the other stuff
> you're meant to carry), so the local garage came out & fixed it.
> however, since they fixed it, the temp guage on the dash hasn't moved
> from 'cold' - which i know isn't true !
> is it possible that with the heat caused by the fan-belt break the
> means of measuring the temperature might have broken ?
> if so, where should i be looking under the bonnet to fix it ?
> (sorry for the very daft and simple questions, but i'm not the best
> car mechanic in the world - in fact, not even in my house & i live by
> myself !)
> thanks in advance
> neil
> 1973 GT6 - Christine
Your fan belt rupture and the inoperation of the temperature gauge are
separate events -- unless the belt happened to snap off the single lead to the
temperature sensor when it broke. (Either that, or maybe the mechanic broke it
with his soft and sensitive hands while replacing your fan belt.)
The gauge gets its reading from the sensor, located in the water routing at
the front of the engine. Locate the sensor and see if it's still connected, for
starters ...
Martin Secrest
73 GT6
72 TR6