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Re: How big a job is it to replace seat foam?

To: Robert J Carley <>, "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>
Subject: Re: How big a job is it to replace seat foam?
From: Sam Gentry <>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 11:30:46 -0500
Cc: "''" <>, "''" <>
References: <4730609AE511D211945600104B973CDD05AC3D@NTSERVER>
If the TR6 seats are like GT6 and Spit I have found that only the chopped
foam falls apart.  Every seat that I have taken apart (4 sets so far) have
good foam except for the chopped part.  I fixed one set by removing the
cover and sculpting new solid foam to replace the chopped stuff and putting
the cover back on.  Since then I have found that I can suck out the chopped
stuff with my shop vac, make new foams and stuff them in.  I use some form
of spray contact cement (3M) to glue the cover to the new foam to restore
the shape and appearance.   All the work done from the bottom without
disturbing the covers.  Total cost for 4 sets of seats, $20 for foam plus
$9 for spray glue.  Sort of like those operations where they take out your
gall bladder through your navel.


At 10:17 AM 2/7/1999 -0500, Robert J Carley wrote:
>On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Radley, Jack wrote:
>> My 76 TR6 seats are continually dropping crumbs of seat foam.  In
>> addition, the seats are a little saggy.  I have purchased new seat
>> diaphragms but have not yet installed them.  Considering the
>> disintegrating foam and the crumb issue, would I be better off to do the
>> seat foams at the same time I go in for the diaphragms?
>The foam bits could also be coming from the seat backs.  Triumph used a
>sort of compressed foam consisting of tiny particles pressed /glued
>together for the parts of the seat backs that cradle you (sides), and
>these eventually deteriorate into a crumbling mess that ends up on the
>floor of your car.
>> How big a job is it?  At times I can be a real hack.  Should I buy the
>> foam kits and have it done by a pro or is this something that not even I
>> could screw up?
>Rebuilding seats can be a demanding job.  I guess it's a trade off between
>your ability (and patience), and your budget.  You have to have ask
>yourself who will do the better job within those constraints. 
> Robert Carley
> 73 TR6

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