At 12:36 AM +1100 2/4/99, Trevor Jordan wrote:
>A pusher fan will block the air flowing into the radiator whereas a tractor
>(puller) fan will block the air coming out of the radiator. Is there
>likely to be any great difference in efficiency? A pusher fan will disrupt
>the flow of air through the radiator more than a tractor, but after it
>comes through the grill it is likely to be fairly turbulent already.
>An argument can be made that a pusher fan increases the pressure, density,
>and heat transfer capacity of the air flowing through the radiator. A
>tractor fan does the opposite. But I am not sure that any of these issues
>count for much - space for the fan and simple convenient mounting points
>could be more important.
In instances such as this I look around at modern production cars for an
answer, since it is possible that the engineers for the auto makers know
something I don't. ;-) I can think of a number of cars with push and pull
arrangements for the fans, so the difference may not be significant enough
to commend one design over the other. I am considering an electric fan for
the TR6 and will probably put it in front of the radiator and free up some
space in the engine compartment. Room for some big air horns, for instance.
Phil Barnes (
Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
'71 TR6 CC61193L (21 year owner)