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Happy Hoidays

To: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Happy Hoidays
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 18:16:30 EST
I"ve been reading my recently aquired issues of "Triump over Triumph", which
my children gave to me for Christmas.  Some pretty interesting "stuff" in
those pages.  For those of us on the west side of the Atlantic, the
information shared in the magazine helps give one a "feeling" for what the
times were in the early Triumph years.       

I'm feeling pretty mellow after two days of holiday celebration, with a few
more to come.  The Holidays seem to pass by quicker each year.  It is almost
too short of time to give everyone a proper holiday greeting.  However, the
communications available to us today, do make for a smaller world.

I want to wish a Happy and safe Holiday season to all the Triumph family and
any of your young up and coming Triumph enthusiasts.

Gary Bouffard


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