Actually, if you could route your flatulence into your intake, would there
be enough methane for an increase in HP? Like 1/800th of an HP or so,
or would that depend on your diet. :-)
Apologies in advance, I'm at work with nothing to do. Here because the
Govn'r says so.
Original Text
From: "Wages, Jeffrey" <>, on 12/21/98 2:05 PM:
does this account for a crosswind? what if there is a tailwind? what if
you break wind?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 1998 6:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: HP vs topspeed
> >However I found the formula to calculate the HPs on the clutch of a TR
> >All you need to know is the exact top speed of your TR 6. You can also
> use
> >it to calculate the HPs you need to get a desired top speed.
> >HP on the clutch = (speed in km/h) EXP 3 / 37 EXP 3
> >(37 is the product of all the drag factors of a TR 6 with cw, front
> >area, drag from tires, gearbox and wheel bearings etc. considered .
> >Ragtop up.)
> Very interesting; but why isn't this HP at the rear wheels, not at the
> flywheel...? Has the loss in the drive train been built into the
> formula?
> Where does the formula come from? The only way I could imagine to
> such a formula is by getting dynomometer results on a series of cars and
> then document their top speeds, and develop an emperical curve of
> HP.vs.speed.
> If done in this way, then it is a measure of power as the dyno measures
> it,
> (at the rear wheels, right?)
> Ray
> -------------------------------------
> Ray W. James, P.E., Ph.D.
> Texas Transportation Institute
> Civil Engineering Department
> Texas A&M University
> College Station, TX 77843
> Phone (409)845-7436; Fax (409)845-3410
> E-mail:
> Date: 12/21/98 Time: 11:45:12 AM
> -------------------------------------