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RE: Thanks and A Merry Christmas

To: "''" <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: Thanks and A Merry Christmas
From: "Paige, Dean" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 10:09:52 -0800charset="iso-8859-1"
Christmas certainly is the celebration of the birth of Christ but the
celebration at the Winter Solstice precceds Christ by millenia and was (is)
a celebration of the changing of the seasons, a time of rebirth for all the
myriad life of earth. The Christians co-opted the previous Celtic and Pagan
feasts in an attempt to replace them in the minds and hearts of the
unbelievers with Christian rites. The theme of death and rebirth however
remained. Some of us still celebrate the older rites of this good earth.
While Christ certainly existed there is no evidence that he was born on
December 25... there is ample evidence to the contrary. Lets not forget
along the way that Hanukkah and Ramadan also are celebrated at the time of
the Solstice. And while Christ was certainly a great a prophet and may be
Lord and Savior to some this is certainly not true for most of the people of
earth.  So for me I wish you all, regardless of belief, Happy Holydays and
the rebirth represented in the changing of the seasons. May the sun again
soon warm the frozen lands, may your crops thrive in the returning warmth
and may your 1999 harvest be rich with the fruits of this world. May your
families live long, may your friends be ever true, and may we all be blessed
by Allah, God, Yaweh, Shiva.
May the return of the sun find you with Triumph top down with the wind in
your hair and a song of praise in your hearts. It is truly a wonderful life.
For whatever reason you celebate, may it involve family and friends and

The seasons best



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 1998 12:35 PM
Subject: Thanks and A Merry Christmas

Thanks to all you listers for you help and advice.  Wanted to wish all of
a very merry Christmas, not forgetting the reason for the season, the birth
Christ our Lord and Saviour.  Take a few moments and reflect on God's
Happy holidays!

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