Ron L'Herault wrote:
> A friend is taking a trip downt the East coast of the US in his TR-6 in
> January and was wondering if there was a list of people willing to help if
> he had a problem. I seem to remember that someone once compiled such a list
> but I can't remeber who or where the list is kept. Does anyone else know?
> Ron
Ron, there is a list = VTR = Adirondack T'S made this some time ago Rick
Scherlier, also if its any help heres me
Fred Thomas = Stafford, Va.= Rt # 95 @ milemarker 143B or 610 east =
phone # 540-659-1409 or 1-800 596-1409-51(pin#) complete shop or any help
I can furnish. I'm sure others along the way will post also, but if you
popsted the dates and routes it could be of help. "FT"