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To: "fred thomas" <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TRF
From: "Dana P. Henry" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 13:04:38 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
I feel that I need to step in and make a few appropriate comments.  I worked
for Charles Runyan for six years.  I considered him to be a friend while I
was in his employ and I still consider him to be a friend today.  Charles
and I spent many, many hours together, one on one, here and in England.
Some of the fondest memories I will ever have are "Charles Runyan-related".
The man has a passion for British sports cars and an even larger passion for
life.  Charles dares to dream, and in doing so makes his dreams goals to be
accomplished, how many of us can make that claim.  Charles takes charge and
in most cases gets the job done.  Charles is an entrepreneur in the pure
sense.  Charles was doing business in an "unorthadox" manner before it was
ever in vogue, that in fact speaks to his success.  During my tenure with
TRF I become the proud owner of a 1976 jade green TR6, without Charles and
TRF I would never have been able to have a vintage British sports car
restored to "showroom" quality.  Having been on the inside I can vouch for
the dedication and hard work that Charles has performed to keep our cars
running.  British car parts don't grow on trees (even in England).  So, all
of that said, let me just recap and express my appreciation for Charles
Albert Runyan, proprietor of TRF and The Coventry Inn.  Charles is one of a

Seasons Greetings!


-----Original Message-----
From: fred thomas <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 8:56 AM
Subject: TRF

>It seems every year the list gets into lets kick Charles act, why I have
>no idea, all personalities are not the same, all ideas are not the same,
>all feelings are not the same, and for sure all writings are not the
>same. There are so many things to consider when you go bashing as to how
>much you can sway a persons opinion of someone they have only read, but
>have no idea what they are really like. Yes Charles has some odd ball
>ways, but thats Charles, would you prefer he not be honest and lay it on
>the line as a friend would do, would you prefer that had he not chosen
>his lifes work of supporting all of our hobbies & dreams we could then
>have less of a offering of price and availablity. When being critical of
>how many fire wall grommets he has, are you aware the "BIG 3", sometimes
>order in quanity for the best price and then  resell to each other ? What
>difference does his cost make to anyone except the 40 families that he
>helps support, and the 100+ kids his company is helping to raise, also
>how much would those washers cost if he had not ordered in order to get
>the lowest price, his profit is of no concern to me or anyone
>else.Charle's greatest fault has probabley been not beening the best
>businessman trying to devote his entire adult life to a hobby for all to
>enjoy. It is very easy to sit back and be critical of someone for any
>move they make, he cannot satisfy everyone in everyway each day. Because
>you do not like the way they write, or talk, or operate their business
>certainly does not mean they are not trying to be of sincere service and
>a good friend to all concerned. I will continue to be supportive of TRF,
>and could care less about this mans personality or his writings, they
>have nothing to do with keeping my car on the road.  Just my .02  "FT"
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