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tonneau snaps, fuel pumps and shipwright disease

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: tonneau snaps, fuel pumps and shipwright disease
From: "Coday Family" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 07:28:11 +0000
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
> Tom,
> Sure sounds like you are spending a lot of money to replace a $25 mechanical
> fuel pump. 

Well, this is how it starts.  You decide maybe you need new tonneau 
snaps or maybe the fuel pump should be rebuilt and the next thing you 
know, you are down to the frame and obsessing about how to get the 
waxoyl inside the frame tube (you dip them, btw.  If your particular 
unit was defective from the factory and hasn't developed the iron 
oxide venting feature, you may have to drill a few holes to get the 
waxoyl inside all the frame members).

Have some more tips, but have a sudden need to go down to the garage 
and start pulling the wiring harness apart, I think one of the bulbs 
in the instrument cluster is out.  

More later


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