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Re: TR3 OCT. Moss cat. cover

Subject: Re: TR3 OCT. Moss cat. cover
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:38:53 -0800
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
I've already got a copy of it. I used the photograph you refer to,
slightly touched up, on my web site. I intend to replace it with a photo
of my car as soon as I get a sunny weekend to take some shots.

I recognized the painting immediately. wrote:
> I have been admiring the TR3 that is shown on the cover of their October issue
> which is a reprint of the painting by Ruel James. While the painting is very
> nice,  it also looked vaguely familiar but I didn't know why until recently.
> The other night while I was pawing through Bill Piggot's new revision  of
> TR2/3/3A for the umpteenth time, I turned to page 11.  There, less the
> artistic license and the illusion of speed, is probably the photograph on
> which the painting is based.
> Having once been an avid photograher ( but more than likely I'm jealous
> because of my inability to paint) I think that Mr. James should share some of
> the credit with the photographer, Simon Clay.  My wife and I have this
> arguement quite often, as she was an illustrater and used to teach painting.
> Regardless of my opinion, I still think that I will purchase it from Moss.
> Gary Bouffard

George Richardson
The Wyvern - '57 TR3, TS15559L - Now on the road!

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