>I was interested in the recent thread on dating Triumphs. Our car's
>details are:
>Commision No G 17881
>Engine No FE 10981 (948cc, assumed to be orignal but not certain)
>Body No 2556KA
>I'd be interested to discover an estimated "date of birth".
Hi all
I have seen a couple of FE 948cc engines & both were supposedly Spitfire
engines according to the owners but they used the small herald 948 oil filter
not the bigger one off of the 1200 so I can only assume they were 948cc engines.
re birth dates
I have used the wiper motor date for a pretty good indication for Heralds (in
Oz anyway) on the removable back plate covering the gear motion, yes you do
have to clean it first, look for a 3 letter month designation & a 2 figure year
date ( incidently the Sth Oz police use this on Heralds to determine year of
manufacture & it was my idea to boot).
Tony Cotton
<bigger>Adelaide Loco Works
</bigger>manufacturer of <bigger>Gauge 1 </bigger>track, live steam &
electric locos in 0 & 1 Gauge
Ph & Fax=intl-61-8-82484430