Well, I'm not familiar with Brad Kahler's treasure trove, but I do have
way too many projects - just ask the wife and neighbors. And for sure
not all of them are active at once. Like I said before, winter is WAY
TOO LONG up here. The wife says that I'll have to be still working on
them at age 130 before they are all completed, maybe. I am just trying
to make sure that my early retirement (in 15+ years) will be filled with
the same frustrations that I have now :-)
Dave Q.
TR3A, 3xMGA, 2xMini, 3xMGB, XK150S, Mk2 3.8, Taurus SHO wagon, '52 Chev
p/u, '50 GMC p/u, plus parts cars/trucks
(the trick is hiding them around the acreage/in the shop so that my wife
can't see them to complain about them)
>Michael Ferguson wrote:
Can't be....not enough cars!!!!<
>>Joe Curry wrote:
And now it all comes out. Dave, you must be the Canadian equivalent of
Brad Kahler!<<