On Wed, 15 Jul 1998 eddy-ulm@juno.com wrote:
> Listers,
> I'm looking for tips and clues in upgrading the cooling system on my
> TR4. My car heats up quickly in traffic and I want to minimize the
> problem.
> At this time it looks like the previous owner of my car stuck some kind
> of Ford fan on the front of the engine. Anyone ever hear of this before?
Befroe you invest in a bunch of extraneous equipment, make sure
you current cooling system is in as good a shape as you can make it.
1. does your `4 have the wind shroud in place and in good shape?
If not, get one.
2. Flush the cooling system
3. do you have a thermostat that blocks the bypass when opened?
If not you are recycling some of the hot water back into
the engine. FIX: either get the proper thermostat (kind of
expensive if available) or block bypass (the car will take
abit longer to warm up).
4. Have your radiator thoroughly cleaned and rodded out.
5. Get a late TR4 fan from Moss
Try all the above and get some Red Line Water wetter. This should
take care of the problem... I have an early TR4 with the TR3
radiator. Haviinh the radiator shroud and the late TR4 fan did
the most to take care of my overheating problems
Greg Petrolati
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois