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GT6 clutch problem solved!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: GT6 clutch problem solved!
From: Dave Terrick <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 11:34:09 -0500

Thanks for your replies about my clutch fault problem...

MY GT6 suddenly lost its clutch.  I suspect the pivot ball has busticated.
Pedal has pressure, but less, and stroke, but less.  I have dealt with air
in the systems, and of course, lots of leaks, but this is different.

Bleeding the system revealed only black fluid (I know, I know,  GT LMA DOT
4 Castrol sucks) and no air.  No change in attitude of car.

Holding pedal down and then cracking the line at the cl. master, fluid
issues AND THEN the pedal moves further down.  That is,  the pedal does not
seem to go to the floor under normal conditions.

Listers suggested various ailments but most notably a broken diapraghm and
the broken fulcrum ball.

As it happens, it was the fulcrum ARM that failed, allowing it  to recede
through the plate.  Thus, no clutch, and it explains why the failure was
sudden.  BTW,  this pivot hle had beenwelded once already as evidenced by
the bronze filler puddle!

FWIW,  from ligts on to tranny on the bench is 1h12 min!

Dave Terrick
GT6 0 speed
Dave Terrick
69 GT6+

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