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To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: PAL v NTSC
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 18:33:17 EDT
On Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 19:33:55 -0400
Sam Gentry <>
wrote Subject: Re: C&SC Video

NTSC is the US standard, PAL is European.  It is the format of the video
information on the tape, not the physical format of the cassette.  If you
are in the US you want NTSC.


According to my friend at the BBC, (tongue in cheek)...
NTSC, (the North American standard) means "Never Twice the Same Color"
PAL, (the British & Commonwealth countries standard) means "Pictures At Last"
and there is also a French standard called SECAM, but I can't recall the funny
meaning, or even the real meaning of SECAM...
We are advised that PAL videos won't work properly on SECAM video machines,
and you will get the sound, but the pictures will only appear in black &
white, which I have found, in practice, to be nonsense.
If anyone is wondering why we have all these different standards, it's partly
to do with the U.S. TV running at a slightly different 'frequency' I think ?
(60 MHz instead of 50MHz? or something like that ? correct me if I'm wrong)
also, it is something to do with the big international media companies
releasing films at different dates around the world, depending on which
marketing zone you are living in...all to get as much money out of us mere
mortals as possible.
However, now we can get dual band video recorders/players switchable between
Leon F Guyot
(just trying to make some sense of it all)   
Joking aside, U.S.A. uses NTSC only.      

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