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Re: Missing TR

To: Jeff Nathanson <>
Subject: Re: Missing TR
From: Jonathan Beaudoin <>
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 06:33:06 -0400
Cc: "Kinderlehrer's" <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>

Jeff Nathanson wrote:

> Jonathan,
>         Bob has a real good point. If you also rebuilt your carbs, you could
>         have put the choke in 180 degrees off. Try pulling the choke cable
>         when the engine is hot. The RPM's should decrease (at least they do
>         in my TR6). If there's no change or an increase in RPM's, then
>         it just might be the choke. To complicate matters, one carb could
>         be set correctly and the other incorrect. If you want, undo the screw
>         for both carbs and turn the choke individually, one carb at a time.
> You might
>         be surprised. Keep us posted. It sound like an real interesting 
>         Jeff N.

Yes, when I pull the choke the engine falls down... at idle it's not to bad.. 
hot and when I pull the choke it almost stall.


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