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Re: Master Cylinder intechangeability

To: Alan Camhi <>
Subject: Re: Master Cylinder intechangeability
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 10:55:04 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Alan Camhi wrote:

> Last question....can i use teflon tape to seal my reservoir against leakage?  
>I am using DOT 3/4 castrol brake fluid.

I was advised against using teflon tape anwhere near brake parts.
Supposedly something in the teflon reacts with the glycols and causes
quick corrosion.

I haven't verified or deverified this, it's just a rumor being passed on.
I didn't bother using teflon (did use a touch of anti-sieze)- anyway,
it's not the threads of a brake fitting that actually seal, it is the
flare on the end.  The fitting only holds the metal pipe up close to the

If your flares are good, and the fittings aren't pitted at the bottom
there shouldn't be ANY leaks.  Also be sure the fitting bores are clean!


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