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Re: Guessing the Diff. Ratio

To: James Densley <>
Subject: Re: Guessing the Diff. Ratio
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 12:33:29 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, James Densley wrote:

> I am wondering if it is possible to figure out the differential ratio, or
> number of teeth on the ring gear without taking off the cover and just
> counting.  Can you jack up one rear wheel, put it in neutral and turn the
> wheel and see how many times the drive shaft rotates for each wheel
> rotation?  Or do the planetary gears come into play?  I would think that
> if it was done on the r.h.s. it could be possible.  

If you turn both wheels the same direction the planetary gears are negated
(the whole assembly moves).  I think (but I can't be certain) that the
driveshaft rotates less if only one wheel turns.  I'll have to dig up my
R/C car and fiddle with it to be sure.

So if you have some co-ordinated friends, have someone count the revs on
the driveshaft (I'd put chalk lines on it, using a long one for reference
and short ones for quarter-turns), and have 2 people move the wheels
forward/backward exactly one turn.  Not impossible, but certainly

Let us know how / if you do it :-)


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