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Re: tr6 engine ?

To: Joe Curry <>
Subject: Re: tr6 engine ?
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 17:32:27 -0800 (PST)
Cc: Steven Allen <>,, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Joe Curry wrote:

> I am hoping that you are being facetious when you state that a ring job
> on a rotary is horrenous!!!!!

I *knew* someone would find that one... and yes, I KNOW that rotary
engines don't have "rings" per se, but they do have "metal combustion
chamber sealant enhancers" or whataver you wanna call em.

On the mazda rotary, the block is made of sections (I think there's 5)...
for the final stage you undo 13 or so foot-long bolts and the 5 sections
seperate, leaving you with a big pile o' parts to play with.

Sadly I was never able to play with a working one, just a frapped one that
the high school was given.  It only had the rotors and the block, no


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