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Re: spit turn signals

To: Edward Hamilton <>
Subject: Re: spit turn signals
From: James Densley <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 15:18:42 -0800 (PST)
Cc: Triumphs Mail List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998, Edward Hamilton wrote:

> I am unable to locate what is causing an intermittent problem with the
> turn signals on my '80 spitfire.  Since they work/don't work at will, I
> assume it to be a ground wire someplace -- which I can't find.

My GT6 had a similar problem when I was giving it the once over on the
electrics.  The culprit was in corrosion of the wire at the wire/connector
joint as the wire left the fuse box. For that reason, the fuse was showing
good contact on both ends, but it was only going another half inch out the
back of the thing as a hot lead on its way to the turn switch, etc.  For 
the GT6, this connection is on the back of the fusebox.  The front of the
box is in the engine bay, where the fuses are, and the rear is located in
the cockpit, so it was hard for me to track it down.     If your fusebox
fits in a similar hole, yank it (watch out for possible plastic clips that
hold it in the bulkhead) and check the wires heading out.

That's my $.02 worth.
* Jim Densley 
* 63 TR4 CT757L
* 69 GT6+ KC540something LO
* 82 CB900F

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