>Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 22:41:04 -0500
>To: JAMES_S_WALLACE@HP-Canada-om1.om.hp.com
>From: Fansher <fansher@bitstorm.net>
>Subject: radiator
> Hey James, I agree with all the comments about the radiator removal
that have made it to the list. You didn't say what you were doing with the
radiator once it was removed. I suggest that you have the core replaced or
even get a totally new radiator - I know that Moss has them in their catalog.
> I've had my TR3 since 1972, and for twenty or so years I limped
along with the overheating problems, etc. I finally pulled the cowling and
got at the radiator \ it took me a couple of years to get it running again
but it was probably worth it. There were no replacement radiators available
when I tore mine apart,so I did some research and found that some guy in
Texas would recore them. I called him and he was really nice. He said that
he used a truck core that had the opitmum amount of fins and tubes for
maximal cooling. He also suggested an electric fan. I checked with a local
radiator shop and they agreed to do the same re-core-ing job. We also did
not cut out the whole in the bottom for the crank since that effectively
removes alot of the paths that the water can take on it's north/south
journey through the cooling tubes. I got a manual control electric fan
through Pep Boys and it works fine but if I were doing it again I'd use one
that's controlled by a thermistat. The guy in Texas also suggested that I
thread and plug the bipass tube that comes off the side of the water pump,
thus forcing more water to flow through the radiator. You can then reattach
the hose and it looks "stock". This I have not done. Since I have done the
above, I run at 185 to 190 degrees F and have had no overheating problems.
Again, I don't know why you pulled the radiator but it is such a pain that I
would do EVERYTHING in my power to not have to pull it agian for a long
time, such as twenty years.
>If I can be of any help let me know.
>Tom Fansher
>Deltona, FL (Central Florida)
>1961 TR3 TS 76120L
>1963 TR4 3CT7966LO