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Re: '74 Comm. Number

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: '74 Comm. Number
From: "Robert M. Lang" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:31:11 -0500

WRT to bumper over-riders: they show up on cars after CF12500. So, 73's
(starting at comm. number CF1) would not have the over-riders.

The 74.5 designation merely indicates where they changed the
bumpers/brackets so that the bumpers met some silly collision standard. On
these cars, it is very easy to see the difference even when the over-riders
are removed: the rear bumper in particular looks different. On the earlier
cars, the bumper line matched the body line from the tips of the bumper
(the forward section) to the main rear bumper. Strating at CF something or
other, probably around CF25000, the rear bumper bar is moved up about 1/2
inch, maybe a little more, so that now the bumper is at a slight angle when
compared to the line on the rear wing. It sounds more complicated than it
really is...

Note: there were other minor differences, like the Triumph name plate
attached to and under the rear bumper center section. The front turn
signals may have changed too (they wound up under the bumper on the '75's
for sure).

Does this answer your question?

Bob Lang                | Voice: 617-253-7438      | This space
Consultant              | FAX:   617-258-9535      | for rent
MIT Information Systems | email: |

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