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Re: '74 commission numbers

To: (Shane F. Ingate), Scott.Mackay@SEMATECH.Org
Subject: Re: '74 commission numbers
From: (Flemming Larsen)
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 00:16:20 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

My TR-6, CF27518U, was manufactured in September of 1974, according to the
commission plate on the driver's side doorpost.

I can supply additional information about my TR-6, if necessary.

-- Flemming Larsen, somewhere in CA        

At 13:52 03/20/98, Shane F. Ingate wrote:

    Scott Mackay wrote:
            > I have
            > CF25718UO, stamped in Sept '74 (maybe Aug, it's been a while).

    If we examine the table that I published 5/20/97 which was taken from
    Chris Bullock's TR6 database and update it with your information, we see:

    1974 Comm #   Year      Owner
    CF25186UO     1974 (Shane Ingate)
    CF25689U      1974 (Becky Sforza)
    CF25718UO     1974      Scott.Mackay@SEMATECH.Org (Scott Mackay)
    CF27463U      1974 1/2 (Carel Allen)
    CF27518U      1974 1/2 (Flemming Larsen)
    CF27535U      1974 1/2 (Ken Streeter)

    I have associated Allen's, Larsen's and Streeter's cars as 1974 1/2
    based on information (body and ornament styles) supplied by them, and
    the generalization that "1974 1/2 started with CF27xxx".

    It appears that Scott has the "last of the 74s" on this list...

    My question is, what happened to CF26xxx cars?  Are there any, or is
    this a big gap in the BL numbering scheme that was deliberately
    introduced to demarcate the 1974 and 1974 1/2 cars?  In counting
    the total number of TR6s sold, are CF26xxx included? (if so, and no
    CF26xxx cars were produced, then this would artifically inflate the
    number of TR6s sold).

            Shane Ingate in San Diego

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