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I Homered my calipers

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: I Homered my calipers
From: Cliff Hansen <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 12:43:16 -0500

I'm replacing the dust boots and piston seals on the front
calipers of my TR4A.  AFTER I separated the caliper halves
I discovered that the factory manual doesn't have torque
specs for putting them back together.  AND I notice the paragraph
in the Moss parts book stating "Don't take these apart."
I've lived up to my wife's expectations.  Her 3 Laws of
Home Auto Repair:

1) You'll always make it harder than it needs to be.
2) If you didn't do it twice, you didn't do it right.
3) Never read the repair books before disassembly.

Anyone know enough to bail me out?

Cliff Hansen
1966 TR-4A  CTC 64615L (Anxious to be done with front end work)

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