I too had a "cut one" stuck in there when I first got TS25... I was
able to use a piece of small wood about 8" long as a pry bar working
from the front with the thermo housing taken apart. Steady pressure
instead of sharp (as in hammer on wood). Be sure to make the force of
the lever straight toward the opening you want it to move. I think I
had the very end of the wood on the very end of the bulb. Someone said
I was lucky it didn't break, but I figured if it did I wouldn't be out
anymore. The cap tube on mine was cut right at the retaining nut so I
couldn't grab it from the outside.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Bottman [SMTP:tbotts@vii.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 10:19 PM
> To: Triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: TR3 temp gauge
> Am in the process of dismantling the TR3. Have run into a problem
> removing the water temp sensor from the thermostat housing. Have (with
> much trouble) removed the gland nut but can't seem to separate the
> delicate sensor unit. Have tried over the past week various
> penetrating
> compounds (PB Blaster, Gunk, Coke, etc) and heat. No luck yet.
> Can't tell if the sensor was maybe "glued in" somehow. Am afraid to
> try
> too much pressure on the sensor or the delicate wire. Any great (or
> moderately great) ideas?
> Thanks,
> Tom Bottman