Title, Author First Name, Author Last Name, 2nd Author First Name, 2nd
Author Last Name, PUblisher, City, State, Copyright, ISBN, Type of Book,
Condition, pages, Dimensions, NOTES:, NOTES, Sale Price
I thought this one would have gone by now:
TRIUMPH Herald 1200, 1250, Vitesse, and Spitfire Workshop Manual,
Standard-Triumph Sales Limited, Coventry, England, 4 Ring Notebook, B,
10 x 11 3/4 x 2, This is the original factory manual. 2 or 3 greasy
finger prints, otherwise unused. Shelf worn and aged, etc. Generally
good condition., 58
Triumph Spitfire, Vitesse, 1962-68 Autobook, Philip H., Smith,
Autopress Ltd., Brighton, England, 1970, 0 85147 070 X, Hardbound, B,
189, 7 1/2 x 9 3/4 x 1/2, Pages are barely used, but inside cover has
some stickers and hand written notes by DPO. Cover in good shape,
shelf worn., 20
Workshop Manual for the Triumph Herald 1200, and 13/60, 1969 - 70,
Kenneth, Ball, Autopress, Ltd., Brighton, England, 0 85147 124 2,
Hardbound, A-, 156, 7 1/2 x 9 3/4 x 5/8, The Autobook series of Workshop
Manuals, shelf worn, vinyle cover just needs some 409 and a rag., 20
Okay, so it's not about Triumphs... but I thought someone might want
The Jaguar Story, Joseph H., Wherry, Chilton Book Company, Radnor,
Penn., 1967, 0 8018 5195 x, Hardbound, A-, 239, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4 x 1, Good
source of black and white Jag pictures and specifications. Part of
Chilton's Sebring Series, 20
Jaguar Automotive Repair Manual - Haynes, J. H., Haynes, Peter G.,
Strasman, Haynes Publishing Group, Newbury Park, CA, 1987, 1 85010 236
8, Softbound, A, 312, 8 3/8 x 10 5/8 x 5/8, Like new, Printed in
England, 20
The Triumph TR's: A Collectors Guide, Graham, Robson, Motor Racing
Publications Ltd., London, England, 1981, 0 900549 63 7, Hardbound, A-,
128, 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 x 5/8, New Edition Including TR 8, 2nd Edition,
This book is still available in stores, probably around the same
price... shop around., 20
Found this one today.
Triumph Spitfire MkI, II, III, & IV: 62-74, 1147, 1296 & 1493cc
(70, 79.1&91cu), J.L.S., Haynes, J.H. Haynes & Co. Ltd., Newbury Park,
CA, 1973, 0 85696 113 2, Paperback, B-, 224, 10 1/2 x 8 1/4 x 5/8, Book
construction is still solid, pages relatively clean, but cover has a
sliding-around-in-the-boot-look with some water stains., This is the
Haynes Manual., 19
I found another copy of this book, for much less than the first one I
found... so I averaged the two... so I can offer them for less...
someone mentioned an interest in this book... now it's $5.00 less.
Rallying to Win: A Complete Guide to North American Racing, Jean,
Calvin, Bond/Parkhurst Books, Newport Beach, CA, 1974, 0 87880 017 4,
Hardbound, A-, 6 x 9 1/4 x 3/4, 174, A Road and Track Book, great
information on vintage rally equipment, such as Halda, etc. book is
in good cond., 20.00
Rallying to Win: A Complete Guide to North American Racing, Jean,
Calvin, Bond/Parkhurst Books, Newport Beach, CA, 1974, 0 87880 017 4,
Hardbound, A-, 6 x 9 1/4 x 3/4, 174, A Road and Track Book, great
information on vintage rally equipment, such as Halda, etc. book is
in good cond., 20.00