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Re: Unanswered Questions - Venting

To: "Ed Hutchinson" <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Unanswered Questions - Venting
From: "Bob Danielson" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 08:32:59 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
I was the one who posted the "disappointed" message that stirred things up
last month. The reaction I got was most interesting, with responses
(50 -75 - mostly to me privately) falling into 3 big buckets: Flamers
(ignored them - I have a thick skin), the experts who admitted to not
answering the simple questions because they assumed someone else would do so
privately (I agree with you, we all need the help of the experts) and, much
to my surprise, a large number of people who felt just as I expressed and,
therefore, don't post messages anymore (they just lurk). I also agree with
you in that before posting a message, we should research whatever manuals we
have available. Many people assumed that the procedure for "jacking a car to
put it on jack stands"  was in the car manual or Haynes manual. It isn't
(well I couldn't find it) .... changing a tire is there, but not getting a
car totally up, off the ground and SAFELY positioned on jack stands. Seeing
as this is probably the only thing we do on our cars that has the potential
to KILL us if done wrong, I was looking for some expert advice. And I
ultimately received GREAT advice...... both on proper floor jack points
(some disagreement, however, over jacking from the differential) and jack
stand placement. Plus tips on "rejacking" to let the jack stands square up,
using wood to spread the load, place the removed wheels on the ground to
"catch the car" if it falls and "try to rock the car to make sure it's
solid". No ONE person had all the tips but the collective wisdom of many
people made me feel very safe, working under my car for the first time. My
point here is that Ed is 100% right..... there are no dumb questions.....
and we all need the combined knowledge that resides in the experts and non
experts on this list. I'm sure many of you have forgotten more than I'll
ever know about LBCs.  :-) ..... but it doesn't mean I'm dumb.

BTW ..... I think I individually thanked everyone who replied  to my
"disappointed post" but I may have lost some messages between my laptop and
desktop when I returned home from vacation. If so, please accept my
apologies and a very sincere thank you to everyone who ended up supporting
my comments and answering my question.
Bob Danielson
75 TR6 - Current status at:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Hutchinson <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 10:53 PM
Subject: Unanswered Questions - Venting

>Some time ago a message was posted regarding a question being asked of
>the members of this list and no response being given to the sender of the
>question.  He was quite thoroughly trashed for voicing his frustration.
>After all, even though the question was a serious one to the sender,
>everyone on the list considered it "stupid".  I cannot speak for others
>on the list but I'm sure there are others lurking in the shadows who know
> very little and are hoping to pick up what we can by reading the
>discussions carried on by the more experienced owners. Occasionally, we
>venture forth with questions which are important to us.  Questions, whose
>answers may be obvious to the more experienced people and are, therefore,
>not responded to.
>Those of you who have gained experience in various aspects of British
>cars started out much the same as those of us who know little.  You
>gained your knowledge by reading, asking questions of others and working
>on your cars. No one is born with the knowledge that many of you have
>gained over the years.  Think of where you would be if there had been no
>one willing to answer your questions.
>Too some extent, more experienced members of this list have, for want of
>another word, an obligation to pass on their experience to those who are
>new to the field of British cars.  Being part of a group such as this
>does impose some responsibility on other members to pass along
>information.  After all, we all are working toward the same goal,  which
>is the enjoyment of these British cars by keeping them on the road.
>This list is intimidating.  When you know so little and constantly see
>people who obviously know a great deal sharing information, it can be
>hard to venture forth with questions. Especially after seeing another
>list member being thoroughly trashed for venting about the lack of a
>response to his questions.
>The old adage "there is no such thing as a dumb question" could not be
>truer. If someone poses a question this list it is because he or she does
>not know the answer.  To deny him that knowledge by not responding is the
>"stupid" act.  I would rather receive 50 responses from different people
>saying the same thing than to not receive any.
>Which brings me to my point.
>The other day I posted a question asking the difference between the
>various definitions of replacement when taking out collision insurance.
>There was some discussion recently which said that when taking out
>insurance be sure that you specify one type of replacement.
>Unfortunately, I do not have access to that previous discussion.  I
>received one response which described what I needed to provide the
>insurance company when taking out the collision but not whether it should
>be agreed replacement, stated value or whatever the term is.
>I will be taking out collision insurance within the next week or two and
>it is important to me that I get the proper coverage.  After all, if
>something happens to the car, I want to be able to repair it and get it
>back on the road.
>I would hope that in the future when a question is posed to the list
>those of you out there with the expertise to provide an answer might say
>"that's a stupid question but I'll answer it anyway because I'm sure I
>asked a few dumb questions in my life". You have a lot to share with the
>rest of us, if only you will.
>OK, I've had my say.  Fire away.
>74 TR6 CF17687U

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