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Re: Insurance revisited

To: (Ed Hutchinson), triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Insurance revisited
From: Atwell Haines <>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 20:02:20 -0500
At 05:05 PM 3/9/98 EST, Ed Hutchinson wrote:
>There was a tread going on about insurance. One or two of the messages
>dealt with agreed value, cash value etc. and said that when taking out
>insurance that the car owner and the insurance should use one of the
>I was on the phone with Parish Insurance this morning and they are
>sending me the paperwork for an insurance policy. I want to be sure I am
>using the proper value before signing the forms.


You determine the value of your car...the premiums go vary accordingly.  Of
course some substantiation is required.    You can have the car appraised,
or send pictures, or list the material and labor used for your restoration.

For example,  to determine the insurance value of my Lotus Esprit I used
the resale price listed in the publication, Cars of Particular Interest.
(I had inquired to my old insurance company how they determined the value
of my car, and they gave me the information over the phone.)  I'm sure
Parrish subscribes to the CPI and can help you out.
Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire  FM96062 UO (On the road soon!)

Succasunna, NJ USA
"There are three types of people in this world:
those that are good with numbers, and those that aren't."

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