Your suggestion sounds like a really good idea. If you have time to solicit
recommendations and collect relevant data (addresses, phone numbers, contact
names, and other info, such as specialties, types of parts stocked, etc.), I'd
be happy to post and maintain the database on my Web site (with appropriate
credits, of course). Small graphics with maps and directions from landmarks
might even be possible, and this would also be a good place to list British
auto "breakers" for those of us who seek out "new and unusual" places to visit
on our trips.
I think something like you envision would be great for those long trips into
unfamiliar territory -- just print out the info on the states/cities you'd be
passing through on a journey, and at least, you'd have somewhere to start if
all doesn't go peachy. Combine this database with the VTR contact list, any
none of us would ever be without a friendly face on strange new roads.
Let me know.
-Schuyler wrote:
> FWIW, maybe this is already around and I don't know about it,but...
> Has anyone ever put together a directory of LBC mechanics by State
> (US)? The reason I got to thinking of this is because I'd like to do
> some travel in my TR and figured knowing of LBC mechanics/garages in
> other parts of the country might come in handy... should the car ever
> fail me (ha!).
> Any feedback? I'd be glad to collect the data to build the database.
> Jeff
> '73 TR6
Schuyler E. Grace
* For topical application, only. Not to be *
* ~~~~~ / taken internally or used in combination *
* {:~{p>-| with other drugs or alcohol, except as di- *
* ~~~~~ \ rected by your shaman. Do not operate heavy *
* equipment unless you really know how. *