I have a 74 TR6 and the signal flasher is separate. mine keeps going out
too, and so far I just keep replacing the flasher unit. They run about 6
dollars from Moss. I think there is a short somewhere-but have not had
the time to track it.
On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Trevor Jordan wrote:
> At 2:55 PM +1000 5/3/98, Malcolm Walker wrote:
> >On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, bill wrote:
> >
> >> A friend of mine has a 74 1/2 TR6 and his turn signals have stopped
> >> working. His emergency flasher works fine. Am I dreaming or do I remember
> >> a post in the not too distant future that stated the turn signal circuit
> >> went through the emergency flasher circuit also?
> >
> >Make sure no signal bulbs are burned out. This is esp. important if
> >signals work one way but not the other.
> >
> >I'm pretty sure that the hazards and turn signals are on different
> >flashers. The TR4 doesn't have hazard flashers (or a back-up light!) so I
> >can't be certain. Most cars use 2 seperate units though, and the one that
> >breaks is the one that's _really_ hard to pull out.
> >
> >-Malcolm
> I do not have the wiring diagram with me to check, but the hazard lights
> work at all times while the turn indicators only work with the ignition
> switched on. This seems to confirm separate circuits.
> If the lights all work with the hazard switch, there should be no problem
> with bulbs.
> Trevor Jordan
> 74 TR6 CF29281U