Hi, guys
I'm back - though I do have to say I didn't know I'd gone until friend
majordomo stopped sending me your views and thoughts.
I'd like to have some help from you - I think the buzzword is input? Not
knowing how many people READ this digest in comparison to those who
CONTRIBUTE to it, I'm about to start selecting 2nd gear low transfer. I'll
be as brief as poss.
1. The stories I posted recently to the web about 'Life at Triumph'
certainly seem to have been well received, judging by your comments. I've a
few more on the stocks which I'm releasing bit by bit. You Spitfire and Mk1
GT6 owners are going to start shooting me into the ground when the next one
is released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First bit of input - On the story side of things, can any of you out there
give me some guidelines on specific things you'd like to see in future?
Subjects of a general nature are beginning to get a bit thin in the memory
banks. I can't guarantee I can satisfy all your desires (as the Duchess
said to the Bishop) - but I'll try my best.
2. I want to try and set up a "Triumph Library" but ONLY IF ONE DOESN'T
PRESENTLY EXIST. I haven't seen one myself - but th'internet's a big place.
What's in my mind is creating a set of links to Triumph sites YOU know
which you think other people might like to see or find informative. For one
thing, I'd like to create a set of links to individual owner sites rather
than Club ones, so we can all enjoy a sort of 'on line' Earls Court Motor
Show and drool over other people's prides and joy. Another idea is to
create a library of repair tips which can be indexed by repair/by model
description/by whatever. We could have our own "Service Bulletin" section
where more formal procedures or bits of info could be located. For example,
I found a most useful little site t'other day originated by "Amicale
Spitfire" in France where axle ratios were set out spreadsheet style. I
thought that was useful and interesting. Brought back a lot of :1's I'd
forgotten. When I finaly go home to my own 'babies' and Dad's colection of
company reports and my own records, I could bring those back piecemeal and
start to include those too. YES? NO? or are you all happy with Mr. Haynes
and Mr. Bentley?
3. There are all sorts of other things we could do and at the moment it's
all very soft putty in my mind, so it can take any shape the users want.
Probablly better to let it be input driven rather than decide on the
format? This way, we'll be able to let the dog see the rabbit and filling
in the holes will then boil down to research. As a start and on the
assumption you ALL feel this is worthwhile, I'm happy to put it together
and to try and keep it up to date.
4. Where do we go from here, if we go at all? Would you E-Mail me with your
THOUGHTS at this stage? Don't want specific info yet because I'll get all
addled. Once I know what you want for (a) the stories, and (b) The Library
- I can attempt to make a start. As far as library is concerned, I'll then
consolidate it by noun or description, put a few odd pages of your
suggested contents on a new site and let y'all know the address so's you
can have a look and give me more feedback and then the material. If at all
poss, it would be nice to have details from you starting NOW. There's still
about unused 8MB's at my disposal with my ISP, though pictures would
swallow that up pretty fast.
Looking forward to hearing from you EVERYONE - contributors AND readers!
John Macartney
"Master Shaykspere, call ye this ...
the, er .... The Merchant of Venice?
A fine work, i'faith, ...um
but I doubt me, if 'tis commercial."