Thank you for your acute observations Jim. I am feeling bad that I didn't
take the time to respond to the flame patrol. It is a concern to me that
so many people on the list could be so utterly rude and arrogant. One of
the first things they could learn is that there are no stupid questions -
just stupid answers. We certainly got a load of those.
John McEwen
>Ok, I'll say it. What a bunch of jerks.
>I am amazed at the response from you people. Virtually every person who
>responded started with one or more personal attacks. This is not
>appropriate response. Adults do not BEGIN an arguement with a personal
>attack. Adults resort to personal attacks when they have nothing else
>to say. Or maybe that's the problem.
>Who cares if the guy's observation is accurate? He made a heartfelt
>comment. I don't expect you people to agree with him but if you
>disagree, disagree on fact, not personality. If he's wrong, he's
>wrong. Tell him why, tell him how. If you can't do that, shut up.
>Jesus Christ, this isn't some insane "doctor" with a size problem (sorry
>doc), this is a guy who says he feels left out. And all you could do is
>kick him in the teeth. Nice. Can it be my turn next? If you people
>treat real humans like this I can see why club memberships are
>Nomex on. But I ain't scared, I've seen your best and so far it's
>nothing but juvenile crap.
>Hints for the stupid:
>1. Who am I to determine appropriate response?
>2. But I got personal...
>3. I know, I can crawl into the same whole as the last guy...
>4. I must not be busy either...
>5. Feel free to make fun of my spelling, grammer or personal interests.
>6. Blah, blah, blah, lets play nice. (ok, I agree with this one).
>7. Doc, if you're there, flame me off list, save everyone else.