This may sound like I'm trying to be flip, but the breather is there to
let the engine "Breathe". That is, to relieve excess crankcase pressure.
In the old days, there were "blow-by pipes that relieved the pressure,
but as engines wore out, these would leak oil onto the roads. The
governments don't think well of that, so they legislated other
techniques and out came such neat technologied as PCV valves and the
like. Today, most valve covers have breather ports connected to PCV
valves which are routed back into the engine through the fuel intake
Joe Curry
Turner & Turner wrote:
> Why do some rocker covers have a breather pipe and some not?
> What's the purpose of a breather?
> This is not a test, I just don't know.
> Thanks for your "sciontific" help,
> Adam Turner
> '74 TR6
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