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Re: Two types of 1300 block...

To: Chris Lillja <Chris_Lillja@Pupress.Princeton.Edu>
Subject: Re: Two types of 1300 block...
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:25:03 -0800
Cc: RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: "Your message dated Mon, 02 Feb 1998 15:29:34 +0000" <> <>
I'll have to a little more checking to see how much I really know (or
don't know) about the subject, but In my foray last summer with head
gaskets, I seem to remember that the Stanpart gaskets I bought were for
both the 1300 and 1500.  Additionally, all the 1500 engines I have seen
apart have the groove around the top of the cylinders.  I have a 1300
engine but don't have the energy to pop the head and have a look.


Chris Lillja wrote:
> One thing to watch out for in swapping Spit 1300 and 1500 heads back and 
>forth is that
> the Spit block changed to (or from?) a "recessed" bore when the TR6 did. 
>There's two
> kinds of Spit block, like there's two kinds of TR6 block and they take a 
>different type
> of head gasket. If you use the wrong kind, it will leak. My guess is this 
>change happened
> when the Spit and the TR6 engines were "semi-rationalized" somewhere in the 
>MKIV era....
> "The difference between a horse and a goat is more than a pair of horns..." - 
>"Kas" Kastner
> Chris Lillja
> TR4A
> Norton Commando
> Spit MKIV

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