There she sits (my 73 GreenToy) outside my office window in the
parking lot as the sun rises on a new work-week. Boy is it hard to
get my mind off TR things...
Pat and Dave did a great job... yes Pat, the green beans were good at
the rustic (read rusty) Story Inn. Mark @ company kept things
going... What about that U-Haul full of LBC stuff winding it's way
through the orange cones in the Gymkana... Was that really John Swager
at the controls? How did you arrange the Frick 'en Lucas wedding
party on Saturday evening? We were down the hall from the B & G, room
127... ????? that was some party!
The Ed's street rod, and John's 'TR3' provided interesting contrasts.
Great tours on roads that 'these cars were built for'...
There was even an MGA that stopped by during the show prep on Sat
morning... I did my Triumph duty and welcomed him to come back and see
some (real) LBCs... (he didn't return)
More can be said but... maybe I will send some comments to Kerry Fores
for the 6-Pack news letter... hope his sunburn is better... {Ann: I
will mail you the check, I promise}
Murry Mercier
PS This was my wife's 1st TR trip & Trials! ... and she enjoyed it :-)
Pass the word to significant others: This is a friendly bunch!