Mission accomplished! The Spitfire is down to the frame, the tub's on
the garage floor. My neighbor couldn't believe how light the shell was,
nor, quite frankly, could I. I considered bracing it as suggested here
on the list, but the tub is perfect and rust free and seemed really
rigid so I didn't. We each took a side, grabbed under the rear wheel
arch and under the sill and carried that bugger right into the garage.
Now comes the arduous task of wire brushing off all of the old carpet
glue and surface rust blisters to prep the floors, but FOR WHAT?!?!?
Zinc primer and paint? What's the hot ticket for rust proofing this bad
boy forever? Are there any solutions I should spray down in the sills
to permanently seal them up? Whats the collective wisdom of the list on
this subject?
Thanks in advance...
(Photo's to come soon..)
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