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Re: cars to hate

To: "Cordes, Edwin G" <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, "''" <>
Subject: Re: cars to hate
From: "David Greed" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 19:23:56 +1200
> Since were engaging in Triumph Snobbery,
> Some additions to the ugly/love to hate list:
> 1.)70's-80's Citroens

OBJECTION!!!. One thing that a Citro�n has is individuality, as does a
Triumph whatever it may be, something that the majority of cars produced
today lack. Style is a matter of taste - some like a particular style,
others do not. Furthermore, a Citro�n has wonderful engineering that is not
seen in todays cars let alone those of the 70's and 80's. Look at the
suspension system that is constantly being improved - the latest
development being the Activa suspension optiaonally fitted to the Xantia
allowing the car to keep level as it corners. 

Why do I defend a Citro�n? My wife and I own one - a BX Turbo Diesel.
Originally designed in the mid 80's, goes well, rides well, is comfortable,
handles well, is reliable, doesn't leak oil, doesn't burn oil, etc. The
biggest problem? - getting the keys off the wife so I can have a drive...
Just as well I still rate the Triumph highly!!!

> 2.)Renault - Fuegos (sorry to pick on the French)
> 3.)Any US minivan esp. w/ faux wood panels - although I'm ashamed to
> admit I own one
> 4.)Saab 99 - although I once owned one
> 5.)Volvo Station wagons
> 6.)El Caminos
> 7.)70's-80's-90's Firebirds & Trans Ams
> 8.)Any Chrysler "K" car
> 9.)Dodge Omnis, Plymouth Horizons
> 10.)Any pseudo-sport, generic (read Boring) Japanese sedan (about a
> million varieties in 3 colors)
I agree with the rest of this list...
> Ed Cordes
> TR 250 (ahem, and also a Dodge Caravan)
> "The shortest distance between two points is always under construction"
> -Noelie Alito (former Houston driver)
> > ----------
> > From:[]
> > Sent:       Friday, September 12, 1997 3:16 PM
> > To:
> > Subject:    cars to hate
> > 
> > Why does a friendly little car like the Miata inspire so much hatred?
> > You'd 
> > think sports-car owners could think of more likely cars to hate. Just
> > off 
> > the top of my head I can name five:
> > 
> > 
> > 1) SUVs (all of them)
> > 2) rubber-bumpered MGBs
> > 3) Corvettes, Porshes, Miatas, or any other sportscar ordered with an
> > auto 
> > trans
> > 4) Austin Atlantics
> > 5) Metropolitans
> > 
> >  
> > 

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1979 2500S
1992 Citro�n BX Turbo Diesel

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