Kenneth Brown wrote:
> Dean,
> Thanks for the input on the brake servo......will probably put it back in and
> hope for the best.
> Sorry to hear about the electronic igition system. I would start out by
> speaking to Pertronix to find out if the unit is still under warranty. If they
> won't replace the unit I would, with out getting to threatening, mention that
> you are on the TR mailing list and that one of the common topics on the list
> the reliability of products. State that you have some concerns over the way
> thing was manufactured and as such you could not endorse their product and
> let others know. I don't know how much clout Roger has with Petronix but I
> would think he could put some pressure on them also!
> Good Luck- let the list know the results,
> Ken
Ken, etal,
Been having major problems with netscape AND explorer the last couple of
days. So not sure messages have been getting through. Called Pertronix
they said send the magnet collar in and they would repair. Also indicated
that reassembly at home, even if one magnet hadn't cracked in half, would
be near impossible due to the neccessity of polarity alignment on each of
the magnets. THey asked for a short written explanation of what went
wrong and I will include my suggestions for design implementation
improvement. Like I said I love the performance and I was really
disappointed that the thing went haywire just as a was leaving for Tahoe>
I really wanted to try the thing out at the higher altitudes and for the
first time on some real high speed highway driving.
Been having major problems with