I believe the ground is meant to be via the tubular housing, not the shaft,
mine is well grounded, I beleive there is a little wire to make the ground
secure, but you can check the ground by seeing if one the metal steering
wheel spokes is at ground potential- my horn didn't work because the wire
had broken away from the copper contact ring just behind the steering
wheel, I soldered it last weekend, horn works fine now, unfortunately, my
IGN light is now on and I seem not to have any current to the top fuse,
which includes the wipers, the stop and turn signals, and the heater blower
good luck
Joseph R Schneider Web Page http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~jschneid/JRS.HTML
76 Spitfire 1500 FM45587UC Illinois license plates "SPIT BOY" VTR
#11526 *Spit happens*
"I'll take him to the Jesuits for they know the sins of the Pope himself."
Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt page 129