Odd Hedberg wrote:
> Fran�ois,
> I guess You're already aware of the excellent aluminium bellhousing
> the early Herald 1200 used? The steel (iron?) ones are 7 kg heavier
> so a lot of weight is saved, but they tend to be scarse. I hunted for
> 10 years or so before finding the one I have hanging on the wall.
> What he has got just now I don't know. It sounds kind of strange to
> me. I'm sorry not to be able to help more.
> Yours
> Odd
> --
> Odd Hedberg
> Pomonagatan 4
> S-74236 �sthammar International liaison secretary,
> Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
> '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
> E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se / odd.hedberg@bigfoot.com
> Club URL: http://www2.passagen.se/triumph/
> Home Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
> Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min
> ------------------------------------------------------------
I don't know if I can be of any help here either, byt I wanted to say
that I am planning on using my aluminum clutch housing (belhousing) on
my Herald racer. I'll be running the later single rail style tranny, so
some modification will be necessary. Please let me know what you find
out about your friend's setup.
John Matthews
(up to 3.5 triumphs now)
Sunnyvale, CA USA