On a Mk1/Mk2 of what? A Spitfire, GT6, 2000, Spridget, RR Silver
Shadow or... ;-)
And assuming we're talking clutch slave cylinders You must fit a
corresponding master cylinder. Otherwise the clutch might not
travel far enough when depressing the clutch pedal...
And one should also be aware of the brand of clutch one buys,
I measured a Borg&Beck and a Lockheed for a 2 litre Vitesse not
long ago. They both would work OK, but the Lockheed one would have
been rather binary in its caracteristics while the B&B will give
smoother operation. (Binary = either on or off, and nothing in
between...) Guess wich one we choose for the project... ;-)
Odd one
Paul Cormier wrote:
> Hi,
> Would a 7/8" slave cylinder fit on a mk1/mk2 which originaly
> has a 3/4"?
> Is this an inside diameter measurement?
> ..Paul
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4
S-74236 �sthammar International liaison secretary,
Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
'70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se / odd.hedberg@bigfoot.com
Club URL: http://www2.passagen.se/triumph/
Home Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min