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Removed TR-6 Cylinder Head

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Removed TR-6 Cylinder Head
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 01:47:44 -0400 (EDT)
I want to thank everyone who submitted their ideas for removing my sticky 
cylinder head. Please understand if I was not able to reply to you all.
The head parted company with its mate by taking a 3/4", five foot steel bar 
which I partially inserted into No.5 Cylinder intake port on the head. I
the bar with gentle but steady pressure upwards and was rewarded with a 
sharp "pop" and a small stream of coolent hitting the cement floor below.
you, the head was undressed and the studs had been removed. Examination 
of the block deck, intake port and block so far suggests no damage (dumb
to any of the components. I realize this is bit out of the norm and not "by
book", however it did the trick in my case. God Bless British steel and a
who suggested this method. I do not recommend this trick for removing 
cranky heads, however one must be careful in its application as that fine
distributor is lurking on the left side of the block. DO NOT try this on any
of those heads made from exotic materials like aluminum. It will most likely
the head, your day and pocketbook !!  
I can understand if people debate the wisdom and soundness of this method and

perhaps it should best be forgotten, but for the moment John Barleycorn and I

are once again friends (after swearing off meeting him till the head was off)
I love that green TR6 again. Cheers. Best Regards, Kirk Yonker

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