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Re[2]: GT6 prices

To: (Return requested), Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV (Return requested)
Subject: Re[2]: GT6 prices
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 27 Jun 1997 07:32:53 -0400
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     My Chief of Staff has Secrest's number...and she is putting out a 
     contract...anyone willing, for $15.00, to break all of Maretin's 
     fingers so he won't be able to pick his nose for several weeks (or 
     suggest I get another GT-6)????
     PS How much for the car, and where is it??

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: GT6 prices
Author:  Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV at Internet
Date:    6/26/97 5:10 PM

Rick Rock wryly wrote:
>>I haven't been paying much attention to Spitfire or GT-6 prices, so I 
need some help.  I saw a GT-6 Mk 3 in pretty nice shape, (new paint, fresh 
engine, new tires on steel wheels, lots of new suspension parts, good 
interior) for $3500.
     Is this number low, high, or about what the car is going for these days?<<
>From what I have seen, this is a GOOD price for a GT-6 in good shape.  People 
appreciate them for their increasing rareness and, well, you know -- that 
bigger engine thing.  I think you should buy this car or let Pete McHugh buy 
it -- Lucas knows,  he needs another GT6 in his yard ...
Martin Secrest
74 Spitfire 1500

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