Do what I did 20 years ago when it was late Saturday afternoon and I
needed to drive the car the next day. Find a bolt with the correct size
head that fits, double nut it and screw the tipping valve out. Worked
for me.
Bill Wood
1973 TR6
1979 TR8 Coupe
1981 TR8 F.I.
Greensboro, N.C.
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 09:30:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: David M Brock <dmbrock@julian.uwo.ca>
Subject: Brake MastCyl Tipping Valve Nut
So I've finally done the rest of the system and have the master cylinder
on the coffee table in the living room. I'm trying to get the "Tipping
Valve Retaining Nut" off, and I find that I need some strange (at least
to my toolbox) tool that resembles an allen wrench with a 1/2" diameter.
Actually, it needs to fit into my torque wrench, so it would have to
some sort of socket adapter.
I've never heard of this tool, and have yet to get to the hardware store
to look. Am I overlooking something? I would think that my manual
have made mention of this tool, which I can't imagine would be used for
anything else!